How Can You Support Small Business Owners this Winter…

  1. Write a review!

    A thoughtful, caring and positive review goes a long way! Small business owners love the texts, the emails back of the “ooo” and “ahh” of their products and services. However, one way to truly help them is to simply leave a review on Facebook or Google!

  2. Share their work on your page!

    Simply press “share” or “invite friends” to their profile! When the business owner posts about giveaways, a reintroduction of themselves, or simply a post that resonates with you! SHARE. SHARE. SHARE.

  3. Like & Comment on their posts!

    A simple like or comment goes a long ways for engagement! It’s a simple “Hey! I see you and love your work!” and an “OMG, LOVE!” for those that fit your lifestyle. Every piece of engagement does not go unnoticed!

  4. Show appreciation through their services!

    Smile at them! Be understanding. Business owners have a lot going on behind the scenes and that little smile or positive comment, may just make our day! It’s a helpful reminder that we are all human!

  5. Tip generously!

    Especially for those in the service industry!! Your waitresses, staff, and any small business who allows tips! Trust me. Most of the time business owners charge only enough to make a slight profit, every purchase and booking matters SO much to us!

  6. Sign up for their events!

    Whether it be a show they are putting on, craft fair, or open house! Show up to their business to let them know they are loved and appreciated!! Even opting for their email list, is soooo valuable and generous of you to think of!

  7. Refer them to a friend!

    If a service they provide does not fit your needs at the moment, but may fit a friend’s needs - refer the business to them! Even if things don’t work out, their business will leave an impression to those who hear about them and odds are they may refer them to other people too! If they end up working out, and the business hears that you referred them, they may offer an incentive the next time you get around to booking with them!

  8. Tag their business!

    We love seeing your favorite purchases and items!! It doesn’t have to be a professional photo for a physical product - just know we are happy with every tag, every like, comment and share of a post!

  9. Buy their products!

    It doesn’t have to be the most expensive item on their site or the least! If it doesn’t fit your budget right now, keep them in mind by doing the other 9 things on this list! However, when you are able - shop local!!

  10. Cheer them on!

    A simple message goes a long way! You may never know what these business owners are facing - rather that be in their personal life or professional!


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Reflecting on 2023…